Wednesday 18 April 2007

Audiodetour work and play: it's you

RrrrrrrrrrraA ra!
Glass on the ground like confetti
Spaghetti loops on yer bike around and around
now hop off tie it up walk it again around and around
yes yes we are cooking an audiodetour for yU...

My love,
"Slow down.
Do you see a door?
You have two minutes to spend between here and that door.
In order to make sure you don't arrive too early it is best now to
slow right down
until it seems like someone has pressed fast forward on the people around you. You've got to keep on moving.
In slow motion.
You have one minute to spend between here and that door.
Look at the door as you walk towards it.
You have thirty seconds to spend between here and that door.
You have ten seconds.
You should be at the door now."

c u soon

PS Lone know that kissing of fingers thing you imagine italian people do when explaining how delicious something is...well its kinda hard to do on a blog...but boys o boys they sure are something...


Unknown said...
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Anonymous said...

Ooooh, this is going to be exciting. It's like I'm the audience but I'm on stage too. Fabulous.
I'm so there.
